UKUTULA Conservation Center (UCC)

– Wildlife REALITY –
SHOCKING REALITY about the Global Conservation Status of Wildlife

Decline in Predator Population Numbers

Globally ALL large mammal numbers have decrease at a shocking rate over the last 200 years (90 – 98%) – mainly due to direct and indirect destructive human actions!
In fact, lion populations throughout much of Africa are heading towards extinction more rapidly than previously thought, decreasing from 1,2 million (1800) to less than 25 000 (2016).
As an apex African predator, this drastic decline in lion numbers, highlights a much wider global conservation crisis.

Lion ↓

Comparison of Estimated Global Population Numbers (Humans vs Africa’s Large Mammals vs Lions)

Shocking decline in global LION population numbers and distribution range

Lion Numbers
Lion Range

Shocking conservation status of Africa’s large mammal species

Research Publications & Research/Conservation Associates